• The 2024 ISNST committee gives certificates to outstanding oral and poster presentations. (2024 ISNST大會已選出口頭與海報報告的優良論文獎)
  • Conference banquet will take place at Primier Restaurant at 18:30. (大會晚宴18:30在總理大飯店)
  • Prgram for poster presentation can be dowload in Program --> 2024ISNST symposium program (海報發表時程請於Program路徑中下載
  • Conference Program is available in NEWS, we cordially invite your participation. (議程表可以在NEWS中下載,請依議程時間出席會議)
  • Please prepare presentations according to the Guideline for Oral & Poster in the Program Page (請作者依照Program-->Guideline for Oral & Poster的原則準備口頭報告與海報)

Call for Paper - 2024 ISNST

Home> News> Call for Paper - 2024 ISNST
latest update:2024-07-02 12:16:29

        2024 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable

Technology(2024 ISNST) will be held at the Southern Taiwan

University of Scienceand Technology (STUST), Tainan City,

Taiwan from October 17 to 18, 2024.The scientific program

will include oral and poster sessions.


Paper Submission: July 1, 2024 ~ Sep. 8, 2024

Notice of Acceptance: Sep. 22, 2024

Early-Bird Registration Deadline:  Sep. 29, 2024 

Registration Deadline: Oct. 3, 2024

ISNST 2024 Member